EverQuest: Fan Project

EverQuest the MMO is one of the games that I have grown with over the last 24 years. I started playing it in 1999 and have had an active account ever since. It's a little dated now but still just as challenging and rewarding to play. Every time I log in though I think of how I could re-vamp it, not to make it all singing all dancing using fancy surface materials and hyper-real assets. But something more connected to its original visual style.

A while ago they created the Player Studio, which allows anyone to submit weapons and items to be potentially used in the game. The assets have to conform to a specific way of development and specifications and a certain visual style. These are some of my upcoming submissions and some other EQ-related art.

The following images are from a personal project I'm calling NeverQuest. An interactive homage to one of my fav games. The very first Image is the Original North Qeynos Gate from 1999, then my (Mobile Friendly) Updated interpretation. 

More NeverQuest... or as I'm now making it in ROBLOX... EverBlox

First Some concepts for re-imagined entrances to some of my fav cities. Crushbone, Ogokk, Freeport and Halas.

And Welcome to Halas.. the frozen home of the Barbarian tribes.

All of my levels are based on the original layouts from the first release of EQ. I've translated them into ROBLOX units and scale so that even the LOC of the points of interest would be the same.

Some WIP videos. These are captured with the basic ROBLOX camera so are not HD.

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